Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog Post #1: 01.28.13

Hello all. My name is Bryce Adjei-Boateng. There's a chance you've seen me wandering around campus as I work as a Lab Manager in the computer labs. My job is pretty straightforward. I provide customer service to the students, faculty, and alumni using our labs. We get pretty general questions such as how to print something double sided or how to set up PowerPoints. Sometimes questions about some of the more complicated software we have installed on our computers. As a Lab Manager, I'm not in the labs as much anymore. I help move supplies and perform maintenance in the labs every-so-often. I like my job here on campus and am very happy to have it.


  1. Hey guys, do me a favor and add my blog to your blog roll.

  2. Hey Bryce! I've actually been looking to get a job in the computer labs. Do I have to talk to anyone in specific? Thanks!

  3. Me too im trying to get a job in the lab ,but i really dont know how it works.

  4. Where are your other posts buddy. lol just kidding.
